Tips For Improving Your Study Habits In High School

One of the most important skills that high school students can build is how to study. This skill will not only help them be successful in college but can help build a strong work ethic for when they enter the workforce. If you are a high school student or know a high school student that is interested in improving study habits, make sure to try out the following tips. 

Schedule Your Study Time

It may seem small, but scheduling your study time can be incredibly beneficial to get used to the routine. Throughout each week, ensure that you have enough time set aside for studying, and stick to the schedule as closely as you can. When possible, it will also be beneficial to schedule it at the same time every day, as this can help you get into the mindset to study when the time comes. Additionally, it can help your schedule feel more consistent, making it easier to focus for longer periods of time.

Create Notes & Guides That Work For You

Having detailed, proper notes can help make studying easier and more efficient, making it important to have detailed notes. To help ensure that you have the best notes possible, make sure to take detailed notes during class lectures and clean them up after class is finished. When cleaning the notes up, make sure to include anything that you should know that was not already in the notes. This approach will help ensure that you have the best information possible when getting ready to study.

Make Sure To Take Breaks 

It may not seem important, but it is crucial that you take breaks while studying. Taking periodic breaks can not only help give your brain some time to relax but will also make it easier to retain information when starting back up. Evidence has shown that taking small breaks while studying can help you better retain information, which is especially important when studying for an important exam. Additionally, it can help you feel more refreshed and able to learn new information.

By looking at how you can improve your study skills, you can become more equipped to build on your skills and make the most of your efforts.

Dhruva Bhat

Dhruva Bhat is one of the co-founders of Ladder, and a Harvard College graduate. Dhruva founded Ladder Internships as a DPhil candidate and Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University, with a vision to bridge the gap between ambitious students and real-world startup experiences.


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