Our Breakthrough Scholars
Our students represent the top of academic excellence and drive. They are the world's future scholars.
Our Scholars at a Glance
Our scholars are curious, talented students who come from economically disadvantaged backgrounds across the world. We look at a student’s profile in its entirety — each student is a unique whole person rather than just their test result or income bracket.
From low-middle income countries
Unweighted GPA in school out of 4
From single earner families
Female scholars
The Lumiere Foundation Effect
Our scholars have been admitted to the top schools in their field!
Harvard University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania
Brown University
Dartmouth College
University of California, Berkeley
New York University
Many of their research projects have also been recognized!
Won the Gates and Coca Cola Scholarship
Selected for the IRIS National Fair (regional qualifying fair for ISEF)
Shaping the programs at Amala Education to be more inclusive for female students
We’re extremely proud of all of our scholars and can’t wait to see what you can achieve!